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January 14, 2011

Why Some Clubs Make It and Others Don’t

Successful clubs all have some things in common, even though they may cater to different types of clientele. Location, location, location as they say in the […]
January 18, 2011

Promoting Nightclubs

Promoting Nightclubs is like promoting a band you really like, it must be done with vigor and zealous. It’s a business and like a band must […]
January 23, 2011

How to Get Into Exclusive Clubs

The best way to get into an exclusive club is to have your name on its guest list. If you can’t be a friend or relative […]
February 3, 2011

Tabbed Out

I came across a pretty cool app for patrons of bars and restaurants. In fact, this app has benefits for patrons and establishment owners alike. It's called TabbedOut. The company touts it as the easiest way to open, view and pay your bar or restaurant tab using your smartphone. TabbedOut is a free app available for Android phones and iPhones, and offers customers a fun and novel way to save time when closing out their tabs. Patrons can split tabs, calculate tips, call cabs, and more via TabbedOut. We like to say that the app puts you back in control – no more waiting, no more jostling for attention in line at the bar. Currently, patrons pay a small $.99 fee for each transaction and nation-wide a network of 150 bars and restaurants in 14 cities are using the service.